We use non-invasive diagnostic tools![]() Neck and shoulder pain may be enclose in many ways. Some people experience shoulder pain or only neck pain only , while others sense pain in both areas.
What Causes Neck Pain or shoulder Pain? Causes of neck pain include:
swelling in your shoulders, arms and hands may be a symptom of a different of conditions, including arthritis, a traumatic injury or an Dis-ease. Your doctor will make a diagnosis based on depth examination of your symptoms.;As example, swelling in your joints may be arthritis, while swelling in the muscles may be from a strain or injury.
Sternoclavicular Joint Dislocation ( ACJ ) A blow to the shoulder and neck may cause ( ACJ ) dislocation, a condition that causes pain, swelling and tingling in the shoulder, arm . The ( ACJ ) is in the shoulder and is partly accountable for ability to move between the shoulder and trunk. In 2008, the "Canadian Journal of Surgery" published a account indicating that may because ( ACJ ) dislocation is uncommon, it often goes misdiagnosed. Depending on the location of the injury, complications may include respiratory problems, vascular injuries, nerve damage, or problems swallowing |
No More Problems ; we help your shoulder pain.
Chiropractic in Northridge